1. Do I need to be a 'radio station' to be able to broadcast?

No, not really. We need you to provide a web stream. It is a requirement to ensure this web stream is reliable and consistent and that you don't plan on changing the streaming address frequently. There are a few options for you to start streaming, from a simple playlist of non-stop music right through to a full radio station suite in the cloud.

2. Can you help me set up a radio station or web stream?

Possibly yes, however this is a chargeable service that we provide. 

We can provide you with a fully branded, cloud based radio station if you wished!

3. What licence(s) do I need?

Great question, there are two main requirements at the very minimum:

1. PPL - Linear Webcaster License (this allows you to stream music online) the costs vary as they are split into 'bands' which is determined by how many listeners you get, but typically start at £198 per year. Read more about this here:


2. Ofcom licence - decide if you wish to earn a 'profit' from the radio station, this will determine which license is applicable to you. There are two licence categories:

C-DSP (Community Digital Sound Program) licence.
A not-for-profit, CIC, college or community radio station will likely need a 'C-DSP' license The application is £250 and then the renewal is around £100 per year. Read more details about this here: 


DSP (Commercial DSP) licence

If you intend to earn revenue on the radio station, typically by means of advertising or sponsorship then a DSP licence is the way to go. The application form for DSP is here: 


The process and forms may look a little overwhelming, but actually it is quite a simple process and Ofcom are very helpful.

Please note, this information is for guidance only, prices and process may have changed since publication and you should seek further information on licencing requirements.

4. Is there a minimum term?

We do offer short-term licences but are subject to an additional fee.

The prices advertised on our rate card are based on a minimum term of 12 months. A carriage agreement will need to be entered between the parties before a service provider can be carried on the multiplex. Carriage agreements will be for a minimum term of 12 months from the start date, with provision to terminate after that period on not less than 3 months written notice.

Fees will be payable monthly and in advance and will be subject to annual review. 

Further advice

UK DAB Networks have produced a really helpful video about things you may need to get started with your own radio station. You can watch this here:

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